Typographie fantaisiste
Illustration typographiques en papier, Chronicle Review
Illustration, Graphic Design, Typography
Projets Ombrocinema
Graphic Design, Illustration, Typography
Daily experimentations
Illustration, Typography
Best of twin Cities
Illustration, Sculpting, Typography
Paper project, Paper art. Projets personnels en papier.
Illustration, Typography, Sculpting
Temps de Cirque 2020
Biennale de Marionnettes | Festival 11
La Verrerie | Saison 2020-2021
Posters / Affiches de spectacle
Graphic Design
Radio France | 2019
Catalogue d'activités de Pantin | 2019
MAD Paris | Musée des Arts décoratifs de Paris
Le Cargo, Segré | 2019
France Culture | 2019
Convene Magazine | 2019
Bondy, Rapport Annuel | 2019
Le Carré, Saison 2019-2020
Nanterre | Trop c'est trop | 2019
Espace des Arts, Châlon-sur-Saône | 2019
Le Carré | 2018
Concert Franco-Allemand | 2018
Supports variés — Le Carré | 2018
Graphic design
Les Doubles Concerts — France Inter | 2017
Graphic design
Pictos — France Inter | 2017
Graphic Design
Championnat du monde de Hockey — Paris | 2017
Graphic design
The Ultimate Venue — Paris | 2017
Graphic design
Festival 11 – Mayenne | 2017
Graphic design
Cartes com' — RadioFrance | 2017
Graphic Design, Typography
Debattle — Mouv' Radio | 2017
Graphic design, Typography
Projets variés — FIP radio | 2017
Graphic Design, Poster
Voeux — Radio France | 2017
Graphic Design, Typography
Noël à Dobel - Centre culturel Dobel | 2016
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Poster
SN LE Carré – Saison 2016-17
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Illustration
Paris UEFA Euro 2016 – Guide | 2016
Art Direction, Editorial Design
UEFA EUROS 2016 / Paris Ville Hôte | 2016
Editorial Design, Graphic Design
CityPages, BEST | 2016
Illustration, Sculpting, Graphic Design
Typographie Pariri
Graphic Design, Typography
Fête de la Ville | 2015
Graphic Design, Illustration
Chronicle for Higher Education | 2015
Graphic Design, Illustration, Typography
8 mai 1945-2015 | 2015
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Illustration
Ensemble TaCtus | 2015
Graphic Design, Music, Typography
Les Rencontres Inouïes | 2015
Graphic Design, Photography
Journée Internationale des droits des Femmes | 2015
Graphic Design, Photography
Carte de vœux LVMH Recherche | 2015
Graphic Design, Typography
Contes en Stock | 2015
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Illustration
New York Times, Turning Point 2015 | 2014
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Typography
40 ans bibliothèques | 2014
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Quartier d'hiver | 2014
Graphic Design, Illustration
Guide de l'étudiant parisien | 2014
Graphic Design
Le Printemps des Poètes | 2014
Graphic Design, Typography
Posters | 2014
Graphic Design, Illustration, Typography
Common Territories | 116 | 2014
Graphic Design, Typography
Institut du monde arabe, le Maghreb des Films | 2013
Graphic Design, Icon Design, Photography
Festival Les Rencontres Inouïes | 2013
Graphic Design
Institut du monde arabe | 2013
Graphic Design
Identité du théâtre Berthelot | 2013
Graphic Design
Inauguration de la place Aimé Césaire | 2013
Architecture, Creative Direction, Graphic Design
Dix années de Symposiums | 2013
Graphic Design
Coups de Théâtre N°9 | 2013
Graphic Design, Photography
Coup de Théâtre N°8 | 2012
Graphic Design, Photography
Contes à rebours, bibliothèque Robert-Desnos | 2012
Graphic Design, Illustration
La semaine du Bizarre au théâtre Berthelot | 2012
Character Design, Graphic Design, Typography
Les Rencontres Inouïes | 2012
Graphic Design, Icon Design, Music
Coups de Théâtre N°7 | 2012
Creative Direction, Photography, Print Design
Argillos Percussions | 2011
Graphic Design, Pattern Design, Print Design
Les Rémouleurs | 2012
Creative Direction, Graphic Design, Web Design
Coups de Théâtre | 2012 - 2013
Graphic Design, Photography, Print Design
Quartiers d'été | 2011
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Illustration
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